Different types of US student visa

Types of US student visa for (foreign students who want to study in the USA)

Types of US student visa

How many types of student visa are there in USA ? What are the types of student visa ?

Many foreign students who want to study in the USA usually don't know where to begin, so they ask: how many types of student visa are there in USA ? Others ask: What are the types of US student visas ?

You're in luck today! Because I'll help you with answers to the questions. But you can learn everything yourself. 

You can learn everything about US student visa and studying in the USA if you order this study in the USA eBooks. One of the eBooks contain a tip on how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly and get your visa.  For details, see the complete successful past US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. It costs USD 19 only.

Types of US student visa 

There are three (3) types of US student visa. The names are:-

1). F student visa

2). M student visa

3). J student visa

However, each of them have sub-category because not every student (applicant) in each category want to do the same thing. I'll explain below.

The first and most popular type of US student visa is the F visa.

What are the categories of F student visa? The  F student visa have three categories and they're:-

A). F1

B). F2

C). F3

What is F1 student visa ?

F1 visa is issued to the main student who want to study in a US college or want to advance their education in a US university. F1 student visa is about traveling to the USA to learn in classroom, just like you do in your own country. F1 visa is also issued to students who want to learn English language.

F1 student visa holders are not allowed to work more than 20 hours a week. And you must not work outside the school, however, if you have extraordinary financial need that may jeopardize your studies, you can speak to your designated school official (DSO) to allow you work for more hours. Under special arrangement, you may also be allowed to work outside the school so that you can pay your tuition fee. If you are an F1 student visa holder, here's how to go from F1 student to Green card to US Citizenship.

What is F2 student visa ?

At the same time the main applicant get issued an F1 visa, he/she may have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her. The dependents would also have to apply for sub category F2 visa to allow them enter the US together with the main applicant. So, F2 visa is just a visa issued to the dependent/s of an F1 visa holder.

When the dependents get to the USA, they may also enroll and start schooling in the USA full time if they want, without having to apply for an F1 anymore.

What is F3 student visa ?

The F3 US student visa is the type of visa issued to students living near US border towns in Canada or Mexico, who can easily cross over the border daily to attend school in the USA, then go back each day.

The second type of US student visa is the M visa

What are the categories of M visa ?

A). M1

B). M2

C). M3

What is M1 student visa ?

M1 visa is issued to a student who want to do vocational or non academic training. Example: it could be issued to a student who wants to learn how to fly an airplane. Or a student who want to learn how to produce movies.

What is M2 student visa ?

At the same time the main applicant get issued the M1 student visa, he/she may also have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her. The dependents would also be issued an M sub category visa  called M2 visa. Just like the F2 visa discussed earlier.

What is M3 student visa ?

The M3 student visa is the type issued to people living near US border towns in Canada or Mexico, who can easily cross over the border daily for vocational or non academic training in the USA, then go back each day. It's just like the F3 visa but for vocational training purposes. 

M visa holders are not allowed to work, whether in school or outside the school. Plus their visa duration is fixed without any option to extend the stay, unless there's proven case of health reason or any other extraordinary reason to stay in the USA beyond your program duration.

The third type of US student visa is the J student visa.

What are the categories of J visa ?

A). J1

B). J2

What is J1 student visa ?

The J student visa is issued to professionals or experts who've already finished their education and are coming to the USA for some cultural engagement- a kind of cultural and knowledge sharing program. It's always issued for collaborations, seminars, trade fair, expo, and things of that nature that last for just few days or months. Example: a Russian astronaut coming to the USA to collaborate with NASA on some space exploration project. The Russian astronaut would be issued the J1 visa because he/she is not a student coming to learn, instead he/she is coming to collaborate and share knowledge with US scientists.

What is J2 visa ? 

At the same time the main applicant get issued the J1 visa, if he/she have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her, the dependents would also get issued a J visa sub category called J2 visa. Just like the F2 or M2 visa discussed earlier.

Having explained the different types of US student visa, let me answer some of the questions our clients (students) have about types of US student visa. Please bear with me if you see me answering same question many times. But I need to do that because some people won't just understand something unless you say it many times.


What is the best visa type for students in USA ?

The visa type depends on you the applicant. Your mission to the USA would determine the type of visa you need. See above and choose the type of US student visa suitable for you.

What's the sure way to pass my F1 or M1 student visa interview ?

You can pass your F1 or M1 visa interview and get your visa. But you must research past student visa interview. If you're serious about getting your US student visa to study in the USA, you'll need to order the complete successful past US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. It costs USD 19 only. We made it cheap for students from all countries, poor or rich. The document I just recommended you, compromises of all past F-1 and M-1 US student visa interview questions and answers from 136 countries around the world. That's all you need to learn how to get your US student visa.

Which is better F-1 or J1 visa ?

Your intention for traveling to the USA would determine the type of visa you need. Please read from the beginning if you still don't know the type of visa you need.

How many years is F1 visa valid for ?

It depends on what you want to study and how long it would take the school (not you) to finish the course or program. Sometimes it can take up to four years or more.

What is the difference between F1 and M1 Visa ?

F1 student visa is for learning in classroom, while M1 visa is for learning a practical non academic vocation in a workshop, factory, industry, etc.

What is the difference between F1 and i20 visa ?

F1 is a type of US student visa, while i-20 is not a visa but an approval sent to you by a school after they offer you an admission.

What is the student visa USA cost ?

The visa interview appointment fee costs USD 160. But if want to know the total expenses you'll spend to get to your school in the USA, please read: everything you need to know about F1, M1, J1 visa and studying in the USA.

What is F1 and j1 visa ?

The F1 US student visa is for students who want to study in the USA in college or university, while J1 visa is for professionals who have already finished schooling and are coming to the US to share knowledge.

What are F-1 and M1 visas ?

F1 student visa is for learning in classroom, while M1 visa is for learning a vocation. An M1 student visa holder could be learning in a factory where milk is produced. He/she would be  in the factory production line, producing real milk. F1 student visa holder on the other hand would be in the classroom learning theories about milk production.

Which is better F-1 or J1 visa ?

No visa type is better than the other. Again, read from the beginning about the different types of US student visa, then choose the type of visa you want to apply.

How many years is a student visa in USA ?

The number of years you spend in the USA depend on how long it would take the school to finish your course or program. It can take 6 months to more than 4 years.

What are the cheapest universities in the USA for international students without IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL ?

We've scanned thousands of colleges and universities in the USA and we have selected the best cheapest US universities and colleges for easy admission, cheap tuition fee, cheap cost of living, fully funded scholarship opportunity, no TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, GRE required for admission. We compiled the information in an ebook that cost USD 9 only. We made it cheap for every student. 

The information in the ebook is extremely important to get you started on the right track.

Are there more I should know about studying in the USA ?
Yes. There are much more questions that weren't asked or answered here because this is a free sample. We have more than 250 questions and answers left in the complete eBook version. If you read the complete version, they'll be nothing more you need to know about studying in the USA. We also included a trick to get your visa, important websites, instructions, commentaries and advises. Download the complete version. It costs USD 19 only. Order Complete 250 expert answers to ALL questions about studying in the USA

Find more travel abroad eBooks at order Study abroad eBooks and B1/B2 visa eBooks

types of us student visa



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