Estimated cost of studying in USA for international students

What's the estimated cost of studying in the USA for international students ? What's the average cost of studying in the USA for international students ? Tuition fees in USA for international students 2022 If you want to study in the USA, it's obvious that you would want to know the average cost of studying in USA for international students. Having knowledge of the estimated cost for your tuition, accommodation, feeding, books, etc in the USA for international students would help you plan your budget properly. But if that's not your priority but you need a US green card instead, here's how to go from F1 student to Green card to Citizenship . However, it's not an easy thing to determine the cost of studying in the USA for international students because there are so many factors to consider. First of all, let me talk about the factors that determine the cost of studying in the USA for international students, after which I'll talk about the money involved. The...