US student visa and how to study in the USA

Expert answers to all your questions about US student visa and how to study in the USA

Study in the USA

Get answers to all your questions about US student visa and how to study in the USA

We're study abroad consultants helping students from all over the world study in the USA. 

This article contain answers to questions asked by my clients (students or guardians) over the past 15 years. I decided to compile and share it to other guardians and foreign or international students out there who may want to study in the USA.

Most foreign or international students from Europe, South America, Africa, Asia who want to study in the USA want to know how to get US student visa from India, Nepal, Philippines, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Middle East, Pakistan, etc. They know the benefits of studying in USA for international students, that’s why they ask so many questions to make sure they do everything right to get to the USA. Finally, they want to know how to apply for student visa in USA and they ask many questions, such as: How can I get student visa for USA? How long does it take to get a student visa to USA? How do I apply for an F1 visa?, etc, etc.

In this article, I answered ALL the questions asked by students who want to study in the USA or their guardians. I answered questions such as:- How do I study in the USA? What are the requirements to study in USA? How much will it cost to study in USA? ........and many more 



Before I begin, let me inform you that sometimes, you may see two or three questions that look alike but when you look closely you’ll realize that they’re SIMILAR but not the same question.

Sometimes, I also deliberately answered such similar questions twice for the purpose of emphasis. 

Example: see the two similar questions below.


Is it normal to be nervous during a US student visa interview?

Yes, it's normal to be nervous during any type of interview, even during job interviews. Many people are scared they may fail an interview, that's why they become nervous. But remember that it's not ok to be nervous.

Is it ok to be nervous during a US student visa interview?

No, it's not ok to be nervous during any type of interview, even during job interviews. Because being nervous is a sign that you're either lying or you don't trust yourself or you don't know what 

you're doing.

If you know what you're doing, you’ll never be nervous, whether answering a US student visa 

interview questions or in any other type of interview. Instead you'll be excited.

Fortunately, when it comes to US student visa interview, you can learn in advance all the possible 

questions you'll ever be asked. Once you learn what to say, your nervousness will disappear.


As you can see, the above two questions are different but they look like the same question if you don't know. That's why I want to let you know in advance because you'll see some questions like that throughout this document but they're completely different questions. They're not asking exactly the same thing. Hope you understand.

With that out of the way, let’s get started immediately.

What are the different types of US student visa?

There are three (3) types of US student visa. The names are:

1). F student visa

2). M student visa

3). J student visa

However, each of them have sub-category because not every student (applicant) in each category want to do the same thing. I'll explain below.

The first and most popular type of US student visa is the F visa.

What are the categories of F student visa? The F student visa have three categories and they're:-

A). F1

B). F2

C). F3

What is F1 student visa?

F1 visa is issued to the main student who want to study in a US college or want to advance their education in a US university. F1 student visa is about traveling to the USA to learn in classroom, just like you do in your own country. F1 visa is also issued to students who want to learn English language.

F1 student visa holders are not allowed to work more than 20 hours a week. And you must not work outside the school, however, if you have extraordinary financial need that may jeopardize your studies, you can speak to your designated school official (DSO) to allow you work for more hours. Under special arrangement, you may also be allowed to work outside the school so that you can pay your tuition fee.

What is F2 student visa?

At the same time the main applicant get issued an F1 visa, he/she may have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her. The dependents would also have to apply for sub category F2 visa to allow them enter the US together with the main applicant. So, F2 visa is just a visa issued to the dependent/s of an F1 visa holder.

When the dependents get to the USA, they may also enroll and start schooling in the USA full time if they want, without having to apply for an F1 anymore.

What is F3 student visa?

The F3 US student visa is the type of visa issued to students living near US border towns in Canada 

or Mexico, who can easily cross over the border daily to attend school in the USA, then go back each day.

The second type of US student visa is the M visa.

What are the categories of M visa?

A). M1

B). M2

C). M3

What is M1 student visa?

M1 visa is issued to a student who want to do vocational or non academic training. Example: it could be issued to a student who wants to learn how to fly an airplane. Or a student who want to learn how to produce movies.

What is M2 student visa?

At the same time the main applicant get issued the M1 student visa, he/she may also have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her. The dependents would also be issued an M sub category visa called M2 visa. Just like the F2 visa discussed earlier.

What is M3 student visa?

The M3 student visa is the type issued to people living near US border towns in Canada or Mexico, who can easily cross over the border daily for vocational or non academic training in the USA, then go back each day. It's just like the F3 visa but for vocational training purposes.

M visa holders are not allowed to work, whether in school or outside the school. Plus, their visa duration is fixed without any option to extend the stay, unless there's proven case of health reason or any other extraordinary reason to stay in the USA beyond your program duration.

The third type of US student visa is the J student visa.

What are the categories of J visa?

A). J1

B). J2

What is J1 student visa?

The J student visa is issued to professionals or experts who've already finished their education and are coming to the USA for some cultural engagement- a kind of cultural and knowledge sharing program. It's always issued for collaborations, seminars, trade fair, expo, and things of that nature that last for just few days or months. Example: a Russian astronaut coming to the USA to collaborate with NASA on some space exploration project. The Russian astronaut would be issued the J1 visa because he/she is not a student coming to learn, instead he/she is coming to collaborate and share knowledge with US scientists.

What is J2 visa?

At the same time the main applicant get issued the J1 visa, if he/she have dependents (wife, children, maid) traveling with him or her, the dependents would also get issued a J visa sub category called J2 visa. Just like the F2 or M2 visa discussed earlier

How do I apply for an F1 visa?

Before you apply for an F1 visa to study in the USA, you must first apply for admission to study in a US college or university. Then, the college or university would send you a document called i-20 eligibility or approval form. With your i-20 eligibility document you can then apply for an F1 or M1 or J1 US student visa to study in the USA. In a previous article, I answered in more details about how to do that. For more information see, how to study in the USA. How to study in America free (for foreign students who want to study in the USA)

How much is F1 visa application fee?

The F1 visa application currently cost USD 160 but the price can change any day

Is US student visa easy to get?

Yes, it's easy to get US student visa if you have enough money to pay your tuition and you know how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly. If you want to learn how to pass the F1 US student visa interview, read the article that says how to pass your F1 & M1 USA student visa interview (for foreign students preparing to go for US student visa interview)

What documents are needed for F1 visa interview?

The following are the documents required when going for an F1 visa interview

1). Your international passport

2). Your i-20 eligibility document

3). Bank account statement to prove you can pay your tuition 

4). Visa application fee receipt

5). Visa appointment paper

6). Filled DS-160 visa application form

7). Two passport photos

8). Some test scores such as TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS

9). Some proof of home ties

10). Your SEVIS payment receipt 

However, not all the above documents may be required by the US visa officer during the interview. 

But it's ok to get prepared with all relevant documents in case any is required. Hope you understand

How can I download DS-160 form?

The DS-160 form download link is online. You can download the DS-160 visa application form via the US embassy or consulate website in your country. Or you can do it here at download DS-160 application form for US visa

What are the requirements for student visa in USA?

The US student visa requirements is simple. The first thing is that you have to be a foreign student who want to study in the USA. The second thing is that you must have enough money to pay your tuition for at least the first year. Then follow the process.

If you need more information about the step-by-step process, see A-Z everything you need to know about F1 and M1 US student visa and studying in the USA

How much does getting a US student visa cost?

First, you'll pay your SEVIS fee, which is USD 350 + Visa application fee of 160 + about USD 100 for admission by the school. Just Budget USD 800. Of course, I am assuming that the school would not ask for some upfront deposit for admission

Do US colleges or universities ask for upfront deposit for admission?

Only few colleges and universities ask for upfront deposit. Fortunately, many others don't require any upfront deposit to offer admission to international students

How long does it take to get a student visa to USA? How long does it take to get a US student visa?

From the time of your application for admission into a US college or university, the F1 visa application and F1 visa processing time, it shouldn't take more than two months. I mean, if we include the time it would take you to get your admission from a US college or university, it may take anywhere from two month to four months to get your US student visa.

Ideally, it shouldn't take more than two months but sometimes the visa processing may run into what is called "administrative processing" which means that the US visa officer need more time (1-3 months) to verify certain information before issuing your visa

How does it take to resolve administrative processing problem?

It can take up to one month to three months because your visa application would be sent to Washington, DC for processing. But be cheerful because most of the time, administrative processing issues are resolved in favor of the visa applicant

Does USA accept international students?

Yes, the US accept qualified foreign or international students to study in the USA. Being qualified means that you have enough money to study in the USA and you have genuine interest to study in the USA and not to live

Can I study in USA for free?

Yes, you can study in the USA for free if you qualify. Make sure you have high score in your IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL exams and you'll get automatic scholarship most of the times.

There are also many scholarship opportunities out there that you can explore. See how to get US scholarship for international students

Is it hard to study in USA?

If you're a serious student who knows what you're doing and you have enough money to pay your tuition, it's fun to study in the USA. The system will test you to prove your worth, so get ready to write lot of homework and tests

What are the requirements to study in USA?

You need to get admission letter from a US college or university. Admission fee cost $50- $300depending on the college or university. Pay your SEVIS fee $350, apply for visa $160. That's all

How can I get student visa for USA?

You need to apply for admission into a US college or university, pay your SEVIS fee, apply for student visa, pass the visa interview, get your visa. It's as simple as that.

If you want to travel to the USA as a student and you need our help to get your US student visa, we can help. We charge USD 599 only and we'll work with you till you attend your visa interview. 

To order our service, see let's help you get US student visa or business and tourist (B1/B2) visa.

How much money is required for student visa in USA?

Assuming you have already paid for other things, the US student visa cost USD 150

Is it hard to get a student visa in America?

No, it's not hard as long as you have enough money to study in the USA and you're a genuine student. It's actually easy

Are US visa appointments open for students?

Yes, US visa appointments are open now. It was only closed during the COVID-19 scare but everything is ok now and visa interview appointments have been going on since late 2021

How long does it take to get a US visa interview appointment?

If you're lucky to be in some countries with few people wanting to travel to the USA, you can get your visa appointment immediately but you must wait till the date you chose before you attend the interview.

On the other hand, if you're in a country with many people wanting to travel to the USA, the system maybe busy and it can take several days or even a month to find an interview date. See US government official travel site. It should lead you to the US embassy or consulate in your country

How do I book an appointment for US student visa?

Book your student visa interview appointment at the US government official travel site. It should lead you to the US embassy or consulate in your country. Check the system for U.S. visa appointment available dates, then choose an available date

Can I get US student visa without interview?

Yes. Recently the US government waived the student visa interview for some students, depending on their profile on the visa interview. I am not sure whether nationality plays any role to their decision. What I know is that they just pick and waive the visa interview for few applicants, I guess it depends on what they see on the visa application

How do I pass a US student visa interview?

Before you go to the visa interview, make sure you research past F1 or M1 US student visa interview questions and answers to learn how previous students who successfully got their visa answered the interview questions.

Fortunately, there's already a research done on the US student visa interview. The research went across the world in more than 136 countries and asked students who successfully got their visa to study in the USA to mention the exact questions they were asked by the US visa officer.

Most importantly, the research also asked the students to mention the exact answers they supplied to convince the US visa officer to issue them visa to study in the USA. Every student who read the document got their visa! Here's a copy of the successful US F1 and M1 visa interview questions and answers PDF research. It contains REAL student visa interview questions asked by the US visa officer and REAL answers supplied by students who successfully got their visa. If you want to guarantee that you'll get your US student visa, you need to read the complete version, see complete F1 US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. It costs USD 19 only

Which US college or university should I apply for admission?

Choose a US college or university that (1) offer admission to international students (2) located in a state with the right weather you want (3) offer the course or program you want to study (4) is affordable to you

How do I know a US college or university that offer admission to international students?

Check the website of the college or university. If they offer admission to international students, they'll mention it on their admission page.

Alternatively, check the list of accredited US schools for international students admission at full list of Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) certified schools and programs eligible to enroll F1 and M1 students in the USA

How do I find a US college or university located in the right weather?

You'll need to do a little research on US weather in order to identify US states that have the hottest weather or US states that have the coldest weather.

When you find the state you want, then check out colleges or universities in that state and the courses or programs they offer. The list of accredited US schools for international students admission that I already shared above can give you most of the information you need. Or do a simple google search

How do I find a US college or university that offer my course or program?

Check the website of the college or university and you'll find the courses or programs they offer. You can also send them an email and they’ll reply you with an answer

How do I find a US college or university that is affordable?

Check the website of the college or university and on the admission page you'll see the tuition cost. You can also ask them by sending them an email and they’ll tell you 

But don't worry. We've already done a research on the most affordable US colleges and universities. See cheapest US colleges and universities that you can get admission without TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS

What are the list of accredited US schools for international students admission?

The following is the list of accredited US colleges and universities that give admission to international students. See full list of Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) certified schools and programs eligible to enroll F1 and M1 students in the USA

I need help. Where can I find study in USA consultants?

If you need USA study visa consultants, look no further. We are study in the USA consultants and we work to provide students and guardians all the information required to study in the USA. You can use our service to get to the USA as a student or you can do it by yourself. Whichever you prefer is alright.

How much do study abroad consultants cost?

If you want to travel to the USA as a student and you need our help to get your US Student visa, we charge USD 599 only. This is the cheapest price you can get for the type of quality service we offer, so any question about which consultant is best for USA study visa is automatically solved. We'll work with you till you attend your visa interview. To order our service, see  let's help you get US student visa or business and tourist (B1/B2) visa. Study in the USA consultation fee

What is the admission time for US colleges and universities?

US colleges and universities offer admission to students three (3) times in a year. Of course, that's also the school terms. And they're:-

(1). Spring admission/term

Spring term starts from January - April

(2). Summer admission/term

Summer term starts from May - August

(3). Fall admission/term

Fall term starts from August - December

What time should I apply for admission?

Apply for admission at least four (4) months before the term begins. Example: if you want to join the Spring classes in January - April, then apply for admission as early as August in the previous year. Don't wait for the term to begin before you apply for admission because they'll be delays along the way to process your admission. Remember that you'll still have to attend your visa interview and all that in-between.

What types of US student visa are there?

There are three (3) types of US student visa. And they're F visa, M visa, J visa. For further details about types of US student visa, see different types of US student visa

What type of US student visa should I apply for?

You apply for the student visa according to what you're going to study in the USA. F visa is for students going to study in classroom in college or university.

M visa is for students who are going to learn a trade or vocation. Example: how to fly an airplane. They may not need to study in college or university.

J visa is for professionals going to share knowledge with the US. Example: a foreign astronaut going to share knowledge with NASA. Again, for further details, see types of US student visa

What are the prerequisites for admission into a US college or university?

Before you apply for admission into a US college or university you should endeavor to have done at least one test, such as TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS.

Your test score would help you a lot to prove that you're a student for real. If you need help with passing your examination, see help me with my TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS.

However, not all US colleges or universities require that you have the test, especially if you're from an English speaking country and you can speak and write good English already.

What is TOEFL exam?

What is SAT exam?

What is IELTS exam?

What is GRE exam?

What is GMAT exam?

The type of test the school may require depends on the course you want to study.

Can I find US colleges or universities that don't require TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS?

Yes, there are some US colleges and universities that do waive them. For more information, see cheapest US colleges and universities that you can get admission without TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS

How do I apply for admission to study in a US college or university?

Go to and search for US colleges or universities that give admission to international students. 

Then, find the websites of 3-4 schools and apply for admission on their websites. The reason you need to apply to more than one school is that some schools may reject you, while others may accept you. If you need help with passing the examination, see help me with my TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS.

What happens after I get an admission to study in a US college or university?

After you get your admission, you'll have to pay the SEVIS fee

What is SEVIS fee?

SEVIS fee is money you pay to the US government stating that you have applied for admission to study in the USA

How much is the SEVIS fee?

The SEVIS fee is currently USD 350. But the amount could change any day

How do I pay my SEVIS fee? How do I pay SEVIS fee for F1 Visa USA?

The website is the official US channel certified to collect SEVIS fee payment for F visa, M visa, J visa.

You can pay at the site given above or visit the following source to learn more about how to pay for the I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee

Can I pay my SEVIS fee with credit card? Or debit card?

Yes, you can pay the SEVIS fee with credit card or debit card.

However, students in, from, or born in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon and Gambia are not allowed to pay with credit card or debit card. This is because they abused the system by making many fraudulent payments with stolen cards in the past.

Remember I don't just mean students living in those countries. I mean students living in, from, or born in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon and Gambia. In short, if you have anything to do with any of the said countries, you cannot pay the SEVIS fee with credit card or debit card even if you want someone else from another country to pay for you. The payment option available to such students are by: - money order, cheque, western union

Can I pay my SEVIS fee after my visa interview?

No, you cannot pay the SEVIS fee after the visa interview. You must pay your SEVIS fee so that you can obtain your i-20 eligibility paper before attending your visa interview.

Can I attend the visa interview without my i-20 eligibility paper?

No, you will not even be allowed to book for the visa interview appointment without your i-20 certification paper.

What happens after I pay the SEVIS fee?

Good question! Your quest to study in the USA truly begins after you pay the SEVIS fee.

After you pay the SEVIS fee, the school will send the original copy of the i-20 eligibility paper to your address by mail or courier service. Please remember to choose to receive the document by courier service so that you can receive it on time and without losing it through normal mail delivery. Hope you understand

Is the SEVIS fee refundable?

No, the SEVIS fee is not refundable. Once you pay it's gone even if you don't get your visa

What happens after I get my i-20 eligibility paper?

After you receive the i-20 eligibility paper, then schedule your visa interview appointment.

Note that you can also schedule your visa interview appointment before you receive the original copy of your i-20. But in that case, you'll have to show the electronic copy at the US embassy or consulate and inform the visa officer that the original copy is on the way coming by mail or courier service

How much should be in my bank account statement to study in the USA?

The amount required for you to study in the USA for the first year will be written on your i-20 eligibility paper.

Make sure that the amount in the bank account statement you take to the US embassy or consulate cover your tuition for at least the full first year (written on the i-20 eligibility paper) + your feeding + your accommodation expenses.

How much does it cost to study in the USA? How much does it cost to study in USA for international students?

In some US colleges, tuition can cost from USD 7,000 to USD 15,000 for the full first year payment. And in some universities, it can cost from USD 15,000 to USD 20,000 for the full first year tuition payment in low cost universities.

It can cost up to USD 50,000 in high end universities for the full first year tuition payment. If you're worried about cost, see cheapest US colleges and universities that you can get admission without TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, IELTS.

What is the minimum cost to study in USA?

The minimum could be as low as USD 7,000 per year or free.

Can I study in America for free? Can international students study in USA for free?

Yes, international students can study in the USA for free if you qualify for full scholarship.

Does having full scholarship mean that I don't have to show proof of funds at the US embassy or consulate?

Even if you have full scholarship, you'll still need to show proof of funds to cover your tuition at least for the first year of your education in the USA.

The proof of funds is required to show that you can fund your education in case you get disappointed by having your scholarship withdrawn. You'll not get your visa to travel to the USA unless you can show proof of funds........ scholarship or no scholarship.

When do I pay for my tuition? Do I pay for my tuition before I get my visa?

After you've been granted admission, some schools may require you to make a little deposit to prove that you're serious.

However, the good news is that many schools do not require any upfront deposit. You pay your tuition when you get to the USA but before you begin classes.

What currency should the bank account statement you take to the US embassy or consulate be?

The currency of your bank account statement doesn't matter, as long as you have enough money to cover your tuition for the first year + your feeding + accommodation expenses.

What does it mean to have enough money to study in the USA?

Having enough money to study in the USA means that you have enough money (written on your i-20 eligibility paper) to cover your tuition for the full first year + your feeding + accommodation expenses. But if you have more than that, better!!

Can I use a different bank account statement to apply for my visa instead of the one I sent to the school?

Yes, you can. The US embassy or consulate doesn't care what bank statement you sent to the school. So, yes, you can use any other bank account statement for your visa application, as long as you have enough money inside. Again, "enough money" means having an amount to cover at least your tuition fee for the first year + your feeding + accommodation expenses

What type of bank account statement should I use when applying for a US student visa? Should the bank account statement be in my name or in my sponsor's name?

The best type of bank account statement to use when applying for a US student visa is an account statement that has the same LAST NAME as yours. It is best to use a bank account statement belonging to your father or mother. However, if both your mother or father are late, you can use that of your uncle or aunt. Someone related to you and sharing the same last name with you is the best.

Another good one you can use is one given to you by a company you work for. Of course, I mean if the company is sending you abroad to acquire certain knowledge or skill useful to the company itself. That type of visa applicant is adjudged by the US visa officer as having high certainty of returning home to continue his/her job in the company, so their chance of getting a study/student visa is high

Of course, in the absence of the above three options, you can use whatever bank account statement that's available to you, as long as you have enough money inside the account and you can explain why the account owner is sponsoring your education in the USA.

Be informed that it's not a good idea to have the bank account statement in your name since you're supposed to be a student and unemployed. But you can do so, only if that's the last resort

When should I apply for my student visa?

Apply for your student visa as soon as you receive the original copy of the i-20 eligibility document sent to your address by the US school. You can even apply for visa once the i-20 paper is on the way coming. Don't wait!

You can get your visa several months before the beginning of your course or program. 

However, you won't be allowed to enter the US more than 30 days before the beginning of your course or program. So, get your visa ready and wait

How do I pass my US student visa interview?

Before your visa interview, you must learn to be self confident so that you can speak to the US visa officer like a friend, without being scared. See how to pass your F1 and M1 US student visa interview (for foreign students preparing to go for interview at the US embassy or consulate)

Where can I find past F1 and M1 US student visa interview questions and answers eBook?

The following is a research conducted on the US student visa interview. It compromises REAL questions asked by the US visa officer and REAL answers given by students who successfully got their visa to study in the USA. See actual past US student visa interview questions and answers PDF

When should I travel to the USA after getting my student visa?

You travel to the USA anytime within 30 days before the beginning of your course or program. So, even if you have your student visa ready, you must wait because you're authorized to enter the USA within 30 days before the beginning of your course or program

My F1 visa was denied under section 214 (b). What does it mean?

Section 214 (b) reason of US visa denial says "unable to overcome the presumption of immigrant intent." This means that the visa officer suspected you of wanting to immigrate to the USA, instead of going to school.

You must prove to the visa officer that you plan to return home after graduation. 

Examples of proofs are:-

a). Owning a house or business in your country

b). Having a guaranteed job when you return home. Example: if a company you work for sponsored your trip to go upgrade your skill or knowledge

c). Having a spouse, children, or close family at home

d). You will inherit property, a business, or assets in your country

e). You have admission to a major that will easily get a job when you return home. For example, if you major in Aerospace Engineering, an aerospace industry must exist in your country so that you can find a job after you graduate.

What is the reason US embassy refuse student visas when a student already have an admission to a US college or university?

I can tell you from experience that the most common reasons for visa denial are:-

a). You do not have enough money to study in the U.S.

b). You did not bring all required documents with you to the U.S. Embassy for the interview.

c). You lied about something on your visa application or during the visa interview.

d). You failed a security background check called "Administrative Processing."

e). The visa officer suspected you of wanting to immigrate to the USA, instead of going to school

I will be going for my US visa interview for an F1 visa. Can I get some advice on the words I should avoid saying and what I should say?

That’s a good question! 

I'll tell you what not to say and I'll write a small comment on it.

a). My fiancé in USA

Even if you have a friend in the US, it's not advisable to say so or write it any place in your visa application.

b). My friend in USA

Even if you have a friend in the US, it's not advisable to say so or write it any place in your visa application.

c). My father in USA 

(unless it's already known or it's discoverable)

d). My aunt in USA 

(unless it's already known or it's discoverable)

e). My uncle in USA 

(unless it's already known or it's discoverable)

f). My mother in USA 

(unless it's already known or it's discoverable)

g). Working and schooling

Of course, everybody knows you won't be working while in school.

h). H1B

Of course, you'll be returning to your country as soon as you finish your studies, so you have no need for H1B status.

i). I'll like to live in USA

Of course, you have no plan of living in the USA.

j). I love the USA so much

You're just interested in studying in the USA because their schools have the best research facilities, professors, schools, etc.

k). DV lottery

You don't know anything about DV lottery.

l). I have online US friend

Even if you have a friend in the US, it's not advisable to say so or write it any place in your visa application.

m). I am not sure. 

(Instead of saying you're not sure, say “I think it's" or “I believe it's”) etc. It's just a better way of saying I am not sure. But if asked directly "are you sure?", you must then answer "No, I am not sure" in case you're not sure for real. Example; what's the time zone of your school? You'll go like "I believe it's 7 hours EST". The interviewer may not ask you further question even if you didn't provide the correct answer. But, of course, he/she may suddenly ask "are you sure?" In that case you have a choice to answer yes or no, depending on how sure you're about the answer. Hope you understand.

n). I'll defer my admission

Don't say so even if you have plan to defer your admission when you get your visa.

Always say you’ll make it, unless it’s obvious you can’t . 

o). I'll be transferring to another school.

Don't say so even if you have plan to transfer to another school.

p) I borrowed the money for my tuition

Don't say so even if you borrowed the money for your tuition, UNLESS you have proof of the loan. The US visa officers don't like to get the impression that it would be a problem paying your tuition.

q). I've not been vaccinated against COVID-19

You should go do your COVID-19 test and go to the interview with proof of vaccination but don't mention anything about it even if you've been vaccinated. Unless you're asked.

r). I've not done my COVID-19 testing

You should go do your COVID-19 test and go to the interview with proof of vaccination but don't mention anything about it even if you've been vaccinated. Unless you're asked.

s). I’ve had COVID-19 but I am healed

Don't mention anything about COVID-19 even if you've been vaccinated. Unless you're asked.

t). Visa agent is helping me

You're the one and only person who filled all the applications and no agent is helping you, unless maybe your sponsor.

I am currently an F1 student in the USA and I have a relative who is a US citizen. In what ways can he (my relative) help me get a green card?

In that case you must go from F-1 status to H-1B status first. Then build from there. It's completely legal.

But you don't really need someone to help you. All you need is read this eBook: 3 Steps to your job in the USA: Go From F-1 student to H-1B. It was written by a former international student explaining how he did it. This information is also very useful to any student aspiring to come study in the USA. Order the ebook to learn how to go from F1 visa to H-1B visa and get a good job.

What are the top five F1 student visa interview questions?

The top five US F-1 student visa interview questions are:-.

a). Why do you want to travel to the USA?

b). Why did you choose this school/university/college?

c). Why did you choose this state/city?

d). What next after your education? What would you do after graduation? 

e). Who's your sponsor?

If you need the correct answers to ALL US student visa interview questions, order the complete version of US student visa interview questions and answers eBook.

What are my chances of getting my F1 visa approved? 

Based on the global statistics of F1 visa approvals and denials, every student has 60% chance of getting an F1 visa. However, if we take the statistics country by country, then developed countries would have up to 85% approval rate. The following is what you must get right to be assured of getting your visa approved:-

a). You must have proof of enough money to study in the U.S.

b). You must bring all required documents with you to the U.S embassy for the interview, though not all documents would be requested but any one could be requested.

c). You must not lie about something on your visa application during the visa interview.

d). Again, you must not act or do anything that would make the visa officer suspect you of lying. You must speak convincingly in such a way that anybody listening would believe what you're saying. Be polite and confident.

e). You must not fail a security background check, called "Administrative Processing" though you may still get your visa but it may take up to 1–2 months to approve your visa.

f). You must not make the visa officer suspect you of wanting to immigrate to the U.S. 

You must prove to the visa officer that you plan to return home after graduation. 

If you want to learn the tips and tricks from previous students who successfully got their visa to study in the USA and how they answered the visa interview questions correctly to get their visa, order the complete US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. It's a list of past US student visa interview questions and answers from around the world (for foreign students preparing to go for interview at the US embassy or consulate). 

How do we show strong home ties during F1 visa interview?

It's actually easy to prove to the visa officer that you plan to return home after your graduation. Examples of proofs are:-

a). Owning a house or business in your home country

b). Having a guaranteed job when you finish your studies and return home

c). Having a spouse, children, or close family at home

d). You will inherit property, a business, or assets in your country

e). You have admission to a major that will allow you to get a job when you return home. For example, if you major in Aerospace Engineering, an aerospace industry must exist in your country so that you can find a job after you graduate.

Do I have to open a new user account for US Visa payment and appointment booking? Because I was denied visa some years back but I want to apply again

The US government keeps a big database of all visa applications made in the past from all over the world. If you lied about anything in the past, it would become the basis to either ask you more questions or deny you a visa. 

However, your past application is in the past and has nothing to do with your current application, unless you tell a lie or on a temporary ban. 

You can choose to use your previous account or create a new account. But if I were you, I'll create a new account. However, do not lie about anything in your previous application, unless something has changed and you can prove it if required. 

Does the US embassy or consulate keep record of previous visa denials and approvals?

Yes. The US embassy or consulate keeps a big database of everybody who have ever applied for a US visa. The database is accessible from any computer in any US embassy or consulate all over the world. So, they have your details, whether you were denied visa or given a visa. If you apply again, they'll know but they won't tell you. And if you lie about anything in the past, it would become the basis for a visa denial. If something changed, you'll be made to prove it, not just say it

What happens to my F-1 visa if I don’t go to the school upon arrival to the USA?

When you arrive the US as a student, your records will automatically be updated to show your port of Entry. This is forwarded to your SEVIS.

If you don’t show up at school by the start date and your SEVIS show that you've entered the USA, then your designated school official (DSO) will terminate your SEVIS number with a "no show" remark. There’s a code and an automated process for everything, so your I-20 and F-1 visa are dead. Again, your F-1 visa would no longer be valid and you'll be considered as "out of status" and an illegal immigrant any day you're unfortunate to run into the authorities. However, if you get legally married to a US citizen within this period, he/she can file for green card for you to stay in the USA. 

That's the only way you can stay in US legally 

I am applying for F1 visa and my sponsor (mother) has already transferred money into my bank account, and an affidavit of financial support has been supplied by her. Is it still essential for me to produce a bank statement from my sponsor? 

Overall, it would be better to have the money in your mother's account from the onset, instead of having it in your bank account. Remember you're supposed to be a student without much money

Having said that, you need to understand that whatever document required by the US visa officer is just a matter of formality. 

That’s why sometimes they just ask randomly for certain documents to see whether an applicant have them but without even looking at it once they know you have it. So, yes, for formality's sake you would still need to present the bank account statement of your sponsor if asked. 

But in your case, you'll need to say “my mom is my sponsor and she already transferred the money to my bank account.” Then, show the visa officer your bank account statement and the affidavit of support from your mother. 

But remember you can still show your mom's account statement as well (but only) if she still has enough amount that covers the amount on your i-20, otherwise just go with yours as previously advised.

My mother is sponsoring me for an F1 visa for the USA, but she is a housewife and my brother is funding all the money. What should I answer to the US visa officer?

Whoever you present his/her bank account statement as your sponsor is your sponsor. 

So, if you present your brother's bank statement as your sponsor, it means he's your sponsor even if your mom owns the money in his account. 

Finally, the US embassy or consulate doesn't know that your mother is a house wife, unless you say so. Why can't your mother be a business woman and have money in her bank account? Nobody knows her except you, so it would be better to say your mom is sponsoring you and show her bank account statement. Hope you understand.

Why did the visa officer keep my passport and gave me a red paper asking for an additional documents? I think he liked my answers during my F-1 visa interview. He also gave me a vaccinations paper. Is it a good sign? 

Good news!! If he withheld your passport, it means he wants to issue your visa. All you have to do is provide him the additional document he asked for

How do I edit information on a DS-160 form after having paid the visa fee and booked the interview appointment?

Of course, if you realized a mistake in the DS-160 form, you can correct it in the portal itself. You have to see the DS-160 and visa interview appointment as two different things.

Having said that, see below for what to do.

a). Start and create new application on the existing account. Correct your errors in the new DS-160. Correct and create yourself new confirmation page. Download and keep a copy of it. The system will generate a new 10 digit alphanumeric code/new DS-160 confirmation number.

b). Next, go to your interview appointment page and click UPDATE PROFILE. Change the 10 digit DS-160 confirmation number to the new one. Create appointment copy. 

Even if you have scheduled the appointment, its fine. You need not cancel it. Just obtain new appointment letter by printing it. Make sure that the revised DS-160confirmation number on the interview appointment confirmation letter is the new one. 

Even if you create a thousand appointments, whatever copy you give to the visa officer is the one that your interview would be based. But be careful not to mess up things because each time you click on “Start New Application”, a new confirmation number will be generated and hence the old one will get replaced. Hope you understand 

Can I change the location of my visa interview to another city after submitting the DS-160 form?

Yes, you can. Please follow the same process explained in the last answer above. When you're done, print the new confirmation page having the new code 

Does the consular take time to research about you before you attend a visa interview? How will they know if you lied on the DS-160? Is it advisable to hide certain information about you when filling the DS-160 form?

The US government has big worldwide consular database that automatically checks for and "collects" every item in an applicant’s history from all over the world, as soon as the application is completed and submitted. It also keeps track of any updates that might come up until the visa interview itself. 

All of that data appears when the officer opens the case on the computer terminal in the interview window. This gives the officer usually less than a minute to review the file; between the time he/she opens it and call you and the time it takes you to get to the interview window. In the majority of cases, that is enough.

Consular officers are well trained to quickly notice things like contradictory information, open issues from prior records, unlikely travel plans, and bad (fraudulent) documents. 

The majority of applicants who are certain that the officer won’t catch a trick they just learned or were advised to use don’t realize that the officer has probably seen identical scams and nonsense hundreds of times before. 

And remember, the default response to any US visa application, by law, is “sorry, but no visa for you” unless you can easily convince the officer of your honest intentions.

How can I submit my DS-160 form? I have created multiple accounts for scheduling my interview appointment but I cannot proceed to pick a date. How do I go about this?

The problem is your browser. Try booking the date with a another browser. Try Microsoft browsers. It works 

Do the visa officers know the number of schools you applied to due to their issuance of i-20?

No, they don't. It's up to you to tell them how many schools you applied to, if asked.

Are visa officers aware of the start date of an applicant’s course or program?

Of course, they know. Because your i-20 eligibility form include the name of your course or program and the start date. If that date cannot be met by the applicant (if the visa is issued) then visa would have to be refused.

Fortunately, if the only reason for visa denial is inability to meet the program beginning date, the applicant would then have the option to contact the school indicating a later start date that he/she can meet, or must arrange to enter, perhaps, a semester later and get a new i-20 that indicates that new date. Then come back for a new visa interview with rescheduled beginning of the course or program 

Why does the US visa officer want the student visa applicant to prove that he/she will not settle in the USA?

Because student visa is a non immigrant visa. So, the visa officer is duty bound to satisfy himself/herself that the student visa applicant is not a potential immigrant. Not just student visa applicants but all non immigrant visa applicants must prove that they have no intention of settling in the USA 

The student visa applicant is expected to prove that he/she is going to the US only to study and not to permanently settle. The student is expected to prove that he/she has strong ties with his home country, family, children, brothers, sisters, property, etc

How long does it take to process a US student visas?

From the day you apply for admission into a US college or university, it can take up to two months to get your US student visa. But if the processing enters what's called "administrative processing" it could take additional two or more months to process a visa. If you want your visa processing to be completed fast, you must apply for admission early and get your i-20 eligibility document from the school in order to begin your visa processing on time 

How can I prove that I can fund my tuition and stay in America?

All you have to do is show the US visa officer a bank account statement that has enough money to cover your tuition for at least the first year + accommodation cost +living expenses, again, for at least your first year in America

That's all the prove you need. The more money in your bank account statement, the better

Can I get an F-1 visa to study in the US if I have a 7 year gap in my studies?

Yes, but you must provide convincing answers to the US visa officer regarding what you've been doing for those past seven years. Then, provide supporting documents to show you've been doing what you said. Example; employment offers, salary payment slips, training certificates, etc that you've acquired over the past seven years.

However, it may be difficult if you're a self employed applicant. But it's also possible to get a visa if you can prove your genuine intention to further your education in the USA. Look……the US visa officer wants to give you a visa but he/she wants to be sure that you’ll return to your home country after you graduate 

Can I be self-employed for my first year of study in the USA with an F1 visa even if my company is registered in another country?

The F-1 student visa status officially prohibits working while schooling but since it's self employment and if you can keep it secret to yourself, then you can employ yourself. The whole idea of not working while in school is because you're expected to focus on your education while in the USA. However, it's possible to employ yourself and, again, make it a secret affair.

I bet that you won't be the first or only student doing so but as I said it's best kept secret. We always advise students to get prepared for a secret source of income before traveling to the USA.

Do I need to get a medical exam if I am applying for an F1 student visa?

Yes, of course.

Even before COVID-19 came along, it was already mandated by the world health organization (WHO) to have a vaccination for smallpox and measles. Then, we now have COVID-19 added on top, so you also have to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and smallpox and measles.

You should go and do your COVID-19 test and go to the visa interview with proof of vaccination but don't mention anything about it even if you've been vaccinated. The reason is not to scare anybody with COVID-19. Unless you're asked. Hope you understand 

How can I get through in my F1 student visa interview?

a). Practice with old F-1 visa interview questions (I've included source at the bottom of this answer where you can get it)

b). Arrive the US embassy or consulate ahead of time

c). Be calm

d). Be confident

e). Think fast

f). Don't lie. If you have to, you must not look it

g). Be prepared to answer any unexpected question

h). Be prepared to answer questions in your field of study

Here's the past US student visa interview questions and answers.  Order complete US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. It contains REAL visa interview questions and REAL answers given by students who successfully got their visa in more than 136 countries around the world

What is the difference between a SEVIS ID on an i-20 and an F1 visa number?

They are not related. The SEVIS number is for the school or educational sector. That's the code that contain your name, the name of your school, your course or program start date, name of your course or program, nationality, etc. 

The US visa number is for the US immigration and homeland security sector. That's the code that contain your name, your visa duration, your nationality, etc

How can I get the i-20 form for my F1 visa?

To get an i-20 eligibility form, you must first apply for admission into a US college or university and must be accepted for a course or program. 

Once you're given admission, you’ll be asked by the school to provide proof of adequate funds to afford your study and cost of living fees. 

After you provide that, the college or university will issue you the I-20 eligibility document. The original copy would be sent to your house address. When you receive it, you apply for your F1 visa 

Should I apply for a new F1 student visa if I have a new I-20 form? 

No, you don't need a new visa because your visa is still valid. But if somehow you failed to catch the school resumption date, you should request your school to defer your admission to the next term/season.

If they defer your admission, only your resumption date should be changed. Therefore, the school will have to issue you a new i-20 eligibility document which would show the new SEVIS number and a new date for commencement of your course or program. But you won't pay for the SEVIS again because you already paid and it's valid for two years.

WARNING: When the school is trying to do things for you to make things work, it's not the same as when you're trying to cheat the system. Always consult the school if you need any help or a change. If for any reason you pay again to obtain a new SEVIS number and new i-20 form, then you must re-apply for a new F1 visa interview as well because the embassy or consulate and US immigration should have the new information as well. I don't think you'll want to do that

My F1 Visa Application was in Administrative Processing, and I failed to catch my school resumption date. What should I do? 

Tell your school that you’ll like to defer your course or program starting date. Or to give you a letter that would authorize you to enter the US late.

If so (above), would the school send me a new i-20 form?

The school would have to give you a letter to defer your admission to the next school season or a new i-20 will be issued to you by the school to show a new starting date.

If so (above), would my SEVIS number be changed?

No, your SEVIS number won't be changed because you've already paid for your SEVIS registration and it’s valid for 2 years. You can use it as many times as you want.

So, your school will offer you a new i-20 with the same SEVIS, The only change is that your course or program start date has been changed to a future date.

Why then a new i-20 eligibility form when the SEVIS number has not been changed?

In this case, the reason a new i-20 form was issued is to make sure that your new resumption date is on record among US officials, such as US Immigration, port of entry, SEVIS Department, embassy or consulate. Because remember while filling the F1 visa application form, you have input the following:

a). Your University name and address.

b). You entered the SEVIS NUMBER on your 1st I-20 eligibility form 

c). 👉You entered your course or program starting time

WARNING: When the school is trying to do things for you to make things work, it's not the same as when you're trying to cheat the system. Always consult the school if you need any help or a change. If for any reason you pay again to obtain a new SEVIS number and new i-20 form, then you must re-apply for a new F1 visa appointment as well because the embassy or consulate and US immigration should have the new information as well. I don't think you'll want to do that

How can an international student in the US make extra money? I am already working on campus and less than 20 hours as per the visa requirement

Of course, you already know that the F-1 student visa status officially prohibits students from working while schooling. 

However, you can earn money in school through self employment i.e by employing yourself online. If you can keep it secret to yourself, then you can employ yourself. 

Contact us and we'll give you an online job.

The whole idea of not working while in school is because you're expected to focus on your education while in the USA but as I said previously it's possible to employ yourself and, again, make it a secret affair.

Of course, you won't be the first or only student to have done that but as I said it's kept secret.

Every year we help hundreds of students travel to the USA to study and we always advise them to get prepared for a secret source of income before traveling to the USA. 

And that's my advise to you too. 

Contact us for a job you can quietly do online

How can an international student get student loans for studying in the US if I don't have any property to pledge (collateral) or cash in the bank?

Yes, you can get a student loan as an international student in the USA. See list of financial institutions that give loan to international students

Are there organizations that offer scholarships to international students who do not yet have an acceptance letter?

Yes, there are many US organizations, universities and colleges that do offer fully funded scholarships for international students. But you must have high score in your IELTS or TOEFL or SAT or whatever the school admitted you with.

But there are other ways to directly find those organizations and scholarship to study in the USA or some other countries. See this list of organizations that offer scholarship to international students.

I don't need US student visa at the moment. I need a US business and tourist (B1B2) visa instead. How do I pass the B1B2 visa interview?

You can pass the B1B2 visa interview with ease. If you'll like to learn how to pass the B1B2 visa interview, get the complete B1B2 visa interview questions and answers eBook.


The questions and answers goes on but this is as much as I can give out for free. I've just showed one quarter of them. There are some answers that showed a powerful trick to convince the US visa officer to issue your US visa. I don't  want to show everything the the general public because it would be abused if every Tom, Dick and Harry learn it.

Order the complete 250 expert answers to all questions about US student visa and studying in the USA.

Find more travel abroad eBooks at order Study abroad eBooks and B1/B2 visa eBooks

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